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Author: jnkgazmy

Plautilla Nelli: 500th Birthday Revelations

June 13, 2024. San Marco, Florence

Conference to celebrate Plautilla Nelli and her 500th Birthday year with important new findings and research presented by Museum Director Dr. Angelo Tartuferi, Dr. Catherine Turrill Lupi, world leading Nelli scholar and Plautilla Nelli inspired dance performance by ‘Kaos Balletto’.

Celebrating Plautilla’s 500°

For the first time, the painting by Plautilla Nelli “Madonna and Child with Saint Dominic, Saint Catherine, and Saint Agnes” (private collection) is exhibited to the public after being restored by advanced students of the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute Aashika Jain, William Johnson, and Rylie Severino under the guidance of the departmental supervisor, the restorer and art historian Roberta Lapucci.

A Renaissance figure and one of the first recognized female artists in Florence, Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588) entered the convent in 1538 at the age of 14, becoming a Dominican nun at the now non-existent Santa Caterina da Siena convent on Via Larga (today Via Cavour). Within the convent walls, Nelli managed to conquer cultural spaces that were then forbidden to most women, thanks to her art. Heir to the school of San Marco and Fra’ Bartolomeo, she was also an entrepreneur avant la lettre, establishing her own workshop within the convent, which involved her fellow sisters in the creation of artworks. Thrice prioress of the convent and in relationships with noble and bourgeois Florentine families, she created an art workshop On the occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of the birth of Plautilla Nelli, the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute pays homage to the Florentine artist through a diagnostic study and restoration project dedicated to her and with a thematic area set up in her honor within the exhibition “Nutrire il Futuro – Nurturing the Future” (May 11, 2024), at the Sala Brunelleschi of the Istituto degli Innocenti. composed of her fellow sisters, even being mentioned by Vasari in his “Lives”. Plautilla Nelli painted “so many pictures for the homes of Florentine gentlemen that it would be too long to talk about them all.”

An extremely important statement that inspired the research of the artist’s works by Jane Adams, co-founder of Caravaggio & Company and project supervisor of this restoration initiative for the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute. In her words: “To sum up Nelli and her great achievements as a female artist I would like to quote Jane Fortune, whose mission and love for Nelli I share – ‘Once you get involved with Nelli, once she gets in your soul, she’s with you everyday.”

Carla Guarducci, the president and CEO of the Institute commented on the project with the following words: “I am pleased to promote an initiative that enhances the activity of the Renaissance painter, Plautilla Nelli. Little known to most, she is an artist who is important to remember. Having entered the convent at a very young age, she managed to create through art and the sharing of artistic knowledge a creative and therefore, in a sense, free space, in a world where this freedom was denied to most women.”

Rediscovering Plautilla – A Multidisciplinary Journey: As part of the series of initiatives promoted in honor of the 500th anniversary of Plautilla’s birth by the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute, students from the Historical Painting course (ancient and traditional painting techniques), from the Etching course (etching techniques), and students from the advanced Jewelry Design course were inspired by the work and life of this artist to create a series of works dedicated to her, and are on display today.

Thanks to / Grazie a
Coordinator: Professor Roberta Lapucci
Project Supervisor: Jane Adams
Advanced Restoration Students: Aashika Jain, William Johnson, and Rylie Severino
The project is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Catherine Turrill-Lupi, Prof. Emeritus, California State University; Trisha Dalke, University of Amsterdam.

Printmaking Project: Coordinated by Professor Lucy Jochamowitz
Artworks by Etching Students: Amanda Nessel; Analucia Paez Munoz; Charlotte Allsbrook; Evelyn Benitez Suarez; Girjia Jhalani; Katherine Holland; Linn Roos; Nisa Acan
Historical Painting Project:Coordinated by Professor Gregory Burney
Artworks by Historical Painting Students: Analucia Paez Munoz; Audrey Price; Conor Glesner; Emma Oeberg;
Hailey Clements; Juliana Kish; Kathryn Mcanulty; Kayla Parsons; Marlee Lord; Mauryne Audige; Sofia Piliero; Sophia Quinn; Hannah Wogalter ; Alexandra Coscioni; Grace Handy
Jewelry Design Project: Coordinated by Professors Yoko Shimizu and Francesco Coda
Jewelry Students:Charlotte Allsbrook; Madeline Ambrosino; Lily Baxter; Joel Georgii; Maya Jacobs; Thu Luu; Eden MacMillan; Laura Valades; Paola Valdez;

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From Artemisia Gentileschi to Annya Sand

March 9 – May 20, 2024, Hotel Savoy

During the months of the exhibition, to celebrate the ‘Florentine genius’ and female creativity as you have never seen it before, the Hotel Savoy in Florence created a tour, in collaboration with Artemisia Gold, a non-profit foundation profit dedicated to the research, restoration and exhibition of women’s works of art.

On a journey through the ancient streets of Florence, we discover the stories of extraordinary women who contributed to the art and culture of this Renaissance city. Often in the shadow of their male counterparts, these women have left an indelible mark on the Florentine artistic landscape, the brilliance of which only emerges upon careful exploration. A tour dedicated to them, their hidden works and their fascinating lives, reveals the richness and diversity of female voices in the art of Florence.

Available upon reservation. Request information at

Plautilla Nelli, 500 years after her birth, the Lorenzo de’Medici Institute plays tribute to the Artist on International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici is pleased to promote a project that brings new attention to the painter Plautilla Nelli. Within the walls of the convent of Santa Caterina da Siena in Florence, Nelli, created through her art new cultural spaces, conquering realms of freedom denied to most women.

A disciple of the artistic traditions of San Marco and Fra’ Bartolomeo, Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)  was also a pioneering entrepreneur. She established her own workshop within the convent, involving her fellow sisters in the creation of works of art.

Thrice prioress of the convent, she established an art workshop with her fellow sisters, earning mention by Vasari in his ‘Lives.’

According to him, Plautilla Nelli, who was appreciated by many noble families, painted ‘so many artworks for the houses of Florentine gentlemen that it would be too lengthy to discuss them all.’ This profoundly significant statement served as inspiration for Jane Adams, co-founder of Caravaggio & Company and the project supervisor for the restoration initiative at the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici.

In Jane Adams’ words, summing up Nelli and her remarkable achievements as a female artist: ‘To quote Jane Fortune, whose mission and love for Nelli I share, once you get involved with Nelli, once she enters your soul, she’s with you every day.'”

This restoration initiative by the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici pays tribute to the Florentine Renaissance painter Plautilla Nelli,” stated Alessia Bettini, deputy mayor and cultural affairs councilor of the Municipality of Florence. “It contributes to rectifying artistic justice for an extraordinary figure on the occasion of the quincentenary of her birth, preserving the artistic heritage that binds us to the past and inspiring future generations. It is also a new opportunity to deepen our understanding of the contribution of women in Renaissance art.”

“I am pleased to inaugurate a project that values the activity of the Renaissance painter Plautilla Nelli,” comments Carla Guarducci, President and CEO of the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute. “Little known to many, she is an artist that is important to remember, especially on Women’s Rights Day. Despite entering the convent at a young age, she was able to create, through art and the sharing of artistic knowledge, a creative and, in a sense, liberated space in a world where such freedom was denied to women.”

The project aims not only to restore Plautilla Nelli’s artwork but also to shed light on her contributions as a female artist during the Renaissance, providing a platform for a more profound understanding of the role of women in art history. Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici’s dedication to this restoration project underscores its commitment to preserving cultural heritage and promoting inclusivity by acknowledging the achievements of women in the arts.

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Plautilla Nelli: Montaione, Restoration Project with Publication

  • WHAT

    Coinciding with the 500th anniversary of Plautilla Nelli’s birth, Florence’s first recognized female Renaissance artist (1524-1588) the following restoration is planned on this large altarpiece, the  ‘Madonna of the Rosary’. Restoration of the painting will be carried out by renowned ‘Nelli’ conservator Rossella Lari in collaboration with the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute whose ‘Advanced Restoration’ students under the direction of head professor Dr. Roberta Lapucci will be carrying out the restoration of the frame and the Superintendency of Florence. Catherine Turrill Lupi will be making a precious contribution with her research and increasing new findings on the recently discovered Nelli paintings. Other LdM departments will also be involved including: Gender Studies, Jewelry Design, Fine Art, Graphics and Communication are also participating in this project. Leading Nelli scholar.

  • WHEN

    Project start: March 2024
    Completion and presentation of restoration and publication: October 2024 (date to be confirmed)


    The restoration of the painting will be carried out by Rossella Lari, the living hand of Nelli in her studio in Florence. The restoration of the frame will be carried out at the Lorenzo de’Medici Institute in Florence, a joint collaboration that work together to restore this beautiful painting and enhance the body of Nelli works Nationally and Internationally with various events planned in 2024. The painting owned by the commune of Montaione is a project dear to the heart of Artemisia Gold, the Mayor of Montaione, Paolo Pomponi and Councillor of Art and Culture, Rachele de Prisco as well as the whole Community of Montaione. There will be several events surrounding this initiative including: conferences, exhibitions and gala events Montaione, Florence, London and USA.
  • Project includes:

    • Art history research
    • Diagnostic testing
    • Restoration of the painting- Rossella Lari
    • Frame conservation – Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute
    • Photographic campaign
    • Private visits to the restoration studios
    • Presentation of the final project of  ‘Advanced Restoration’ LdM students to go towards their Degree
    • Press Conference and presentation of completed project post-restoration
    • National and International press campaign
    • Presentation of the painting after restoration with its accompanying publication
    • Inaugural events
  • INFO

    • Artist: Plautilla Nelli
    • Technique: Oil painting on panel
    • Subject: Madonna of the Rosary,
    • Location: Montaione, Church of Saint Joseph and Lucia
    • Size: 175 cm x 139 cm, with frame 222 cm x 186 cm x 9 cm


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Artemisia Gentileschi: Madonna and Child, ‘Under the Surface’

  • WHAT

    Diagnostic campaign with Publication of one of Artemisia’s best loved works, her ‘Madonna and Child’ and ‘Santa Cecilia’ paintings at the Spada Gallery, Rome. 

    A project to discover the secrets of these famous and much loved paintings. Funds are needed for the English translations and publication of this new volume. This project, curated by Artemisia Gold CIC and Emmebi Diagnostica Artistica, focuses on the execution of a diagnostic research campaign to document the technique, the materials used and its state of conservation. The interest that the figure of Artemisia Gentileschi has assumed in recent decades is demonstrated not only by the numerous exhibitions dedicated to her but also by the ever-increasing number of technical studies that enable us understand how she painted and, ultimately , why her style is so unique. The investigation proposed in this project is non-envasive, using different visible and non-visible radiation (ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays), which are able to provide images and data on the different constituent layers, from the support to the pictorial and finishing layers. Upon completion of the documentation campaign, it is hoped to be able to carry out a micro-sample, to analytically investigate the preparatory layers and some pictorial layers that may be more significant. Thanks to the goodwill of the Spada Gallery, these investigations took place within the gallery and the results of the investigation were illustrated to special guests in May 2023 during an exclusive private event at Museum. The investigations were sponosored by Artemisia Gold CIC and Caravaggio & Contemporary Ltd and were carried out and illustrated by Emmebi Diagnostica Artistica.

    Carried out in 2023 Project included: Diagnostic investigations (including organization of live investigations) – Multispectral photographs (VIS-UV-IR) – Macrophotographs and microphotographs – Infrared reflectography – Radiography – X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF – Stratigraphy on polished section and SEM-EDS microanalysis – Private event at the Gallery Spada Planned for 2024 – A Publication with new findings The Madonna and Child and Saint Cecilia by Artemisia Gentileschi at the Spada Gallery The important findings, recently acquired on Artemisia Gentileschi’s Madonna and Child (Galleria Spada, Rome), thanks to the technical research project sponsored by Artemisia Gold cic and Caravaggio&Contemporary Ltd have given the impetus for the production of a monographic volume on the great painter’s two paintings, preserved in the Museum. Both the Madonna and Child and Saint Cecilia were subjected to an in-depth diagnostic campaign, curated by Emmebi Diagnostica Artistica s.r.l., aimed at characterizing their constituent materials and reconstructing the artist’s compositional processes. In the volume, which will be published in 2024 in Italian and English by the publisher De Luca, with essays by Francesco Solinas, Adriana Capriotti, Marco Cardinali and Maria Beatrice De Ruggieri, new light will be shed on the great artist and in particular on her two works in the Spada collection, thanks also to the contribution made to historical-critical studies by technical-scientific research. A rich set of images and technical data will accompany the publication of the studies.

  • WHEN

    Book look launch – May/June 2024


    At the Spada Gallery in Rome there will be a private presentation and viewing of the two Artemisia paintings, her ‘Madonna and Child’ and ‘Santa Cecilia playing the Lute’ together with the unveiling of new groundbreaking findings and the publication surrounding them (date to be confirmed).

  • Project includes:

    • Art history research
    • Diagnostic testing
    • Photographic campaign
    • Presentation of new volume surrounding the 2 paintings by Artemisia Gentileschi, owned by Spada.
    • Press Conference and presentation of project and new volume
    • National and International press campaign
    • Presentation of the painting and comparisions of similar works Inaugural events
  • INFO

    • Artist: Artemisia Gentileschi
    • Technique: Oil painting on canvas
    • Subject: Madonna and Child
    • Date: 1610-1611
    • Size: 116,5 cm x 86,5 cm


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Plautilla Nelli: Restoration Project with Publication

  • WHAT

    Coinciding with the 500th anniversary of Plautilla Nelli’s birth, Florence’s first recognized female Renaissance artist (1524-1588) the following restoration is planned on this small panel painting of the ‘Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine, Sant’Agnese and Saint Dominique’. Research and restoration by ‘Advanced Restoration’ students under the direction of head professor Dr. Roberta Lapucci of the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute of Florence and the ‘technical art’ scientific and chemical study campaign with the collaboration of  Trisha Dalke (ex-LDM student in Art Conservation) is currently taking her Master Degree in Technical Art at the University of Amsterdam. Other LdM departments such as Gender Studies, Jewelry Design, Fine Art, Graphics and Communication are also participating in this project. Leading Nelli scholar Dr. Catherine Turrill Lupi will be making a precious contribution with her research and increasing new findings on the small panels paintings by Plautilla Nelli and her ‘Bottega’ that are coming to light.

  • WHEN

    Start: January 2024
    Completion and presentation of restoration and publication: June 2024


    The restoration will be carried out at the Lorenzo de’Medici Institute in Florence, it will communicate and enhance the body of Nelli works Nationally and Internationally with various events planned in 2024, namely: conferences, exhibitions and gala events in San Marco, Palazzo Vecchio, Utrecht, Milan, London, Dublin and the USA

  • Project includes:

    • Art history research
    • Diagnostic testing Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam
    • Restoration of the painting
    • Frame Conservation
    • Photographic campaign
    • Presentation of the final project of 3 ‘Advanced Restoration’ LdM students to go towards their Degree
    • Press Conference and presentation of the project
    • National and International press campaign
    • Presentation of the painting after restoration with its accompanying publication
    • Inaugural events
  • INFO

    • Artist: Plautilla Nelli
    • Technique: Oil painting on panel
    • Subject: Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine, Sant’Agnese and Saint Dominique
    • Size:  35.5 cm  x 27.4 cm with frame  44 cm  x 36 cm


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Artemisia Gentileschi: Diagnostic Studies

Coming Soon in June, Gallery Spada

Explore the diagnostic studies on Artemisia Gentileschi’s masterpieces, the Madonna and Child, and Saint Cecilia at the Spada Gallery. Caravaggio&Contemporary Ltd’s sponsored technical research project has led to significant findings, paving the way for a monographic volume to be published in 2024. The volume, in Italian and English by De Luca publishers, features essays by Francesco Solinas, Adriana Capriotti, Marco Cardinali, and Maria Beatrice De Ruggieri. This publication promises to illuminate Artemisia Gentileschi’s artistry, especially her works in the Spada collection, with new insights derived from technical-scientific research. Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the artist’s compositional processes with a rich set of images and technical data.

International Women’s Day: Nelli’s Restoration

March 8, 2024. Santa Maria Novella

Official presentation of the restoration project on a newly found painting by Plautilla Nelli and her workshop. With: Alessia Bettini, Vice Mayor of Florence; Dr. Roberta Lapucci, director of the Restoration Department of Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute; Dr. Catherine Turrill, art historian, and renowned Nelli expert; and Jane Adams, from Caravaggio & Contemporary. 

Bringing Renaissance Masterpieces By Women Artists Out Of Museum Basements

Listen now on Speaking of Travel®

Jane explains how meeting Jane Fortune and Advancing Women Artists led to one of the most recent examples of lost art and also one of the most impressive. Sister Plautilla Nelli’s (1524-1588) The Last Supper is the only known depiction of Christ’s last meal by a female artist in the pre-modern age.

The self-taught artist’s massive canvas—about 21 feet long and 7 feet high—is one of the largest works by a woman artist of the pre-modern era in the entire world. Though women were banned from studying anatomy, Nelli defied the conventions of the time by taking on a theme reserved for male artists and creating 13 life-size male figures.

There are still so many questions and Jane helps clarify why some of these works were never considered masterpieces. A movement is happening now around Italy’s women’s art restoration and Jane will bring you into a history that is not just restoring the works of art, but also restoring women’s place in art history. Over the past 10 years, over 70 works of art are now restored.

When you think about it, art has always been used as a means of storytelling and has vastly enriched our lives. The world needs women to inspire us, to raise our spirits, and to serve as role models for our future generation of girls.

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